If I wasn't convinced of the wonder of the beard, after checking out the Poseidon photoshoot by Nathaniel Goldberg, I'm postively preaching to the world the word of full blown facial hair. I fear that the photoshoot may have had some dark mystical effect over me, however, as it has almost convinced me that men can look brilliant in a kaftan.
Two other quick Sunday links for you:
Ten rules of style by Michael Bastian via The Fashion Spot. Point 8 is my favourite.
A rather nice 1930s collegiate letter sweater which brings to mind Andre 3000's style (top item, stock number 30SW). At $98 it's probably cheaper that Andre's own range of clothes will be.
I feel so guilty that I've not responded to this post until now. Firstly, the Goldberg shot shown above makes me feel inadequate as a man, I have to echo Thomas there. I'm not so sure about men being able to rock kaftans but beards they certainly can look brilliant with. We are definitely championing beards a little too much in recent weeks...especially as my growth can never be classed as a beard which emasculates me further!
In terms of Bastian's rule, number 8 needs to be present on this blog, so here it is - "If guys step back and are just honest about what they think looks good on them, it’s really hard to lose. You can spot guys who take on personas that are not theirs" - it is pretty much the only style commandment required. I am certainly agreeing with rule number 10, a suit has become so appealing to me in recent months (since my work wear has become even more relaxed). Infact, I have two types of suits on my wish list, a really great relaxed Spring/Summer suit, I am thinking light navy or grey, and a well tailored black suit which will make other men dribble!
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