
The vamoose jewellery

So the long weekend is finally over and it's back to work but I am feeling totally inspired and motivated, it's incredible what a few days off and relaxing can do! How was your weekend and what did you get up to?

I recently discovered a gorgeous jewellery range, the vamoose, by Kathryn Blackmore from the UK. I love the simplicity of it and the fact that it is so versatile and can work with almost any look. I think I am officially in love with her Sailor knot necklace! Kathryn has a great blog too where she showcases her work and inspiration, take a look, she is incredibly talented.

the vamoose necklaces

the vamoose inspiration

the vamoose

the vamoose

Images via the Kathryn's flickr photostream and her blog, the vamoose.


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