Dear Dev
I have been a fan of you for sometime, you first caught my attention when you were one third of the 'joke band turned quite good' that was Test Icicles, I even bought one of your t shirts. I liked the fact that on the band's split you were honest enough to say "we were never, ever that keen on the music. I understand that people liked it, but we personally, er, didn't." There was something about you that I liked, you were definitely the only person in the band who could actually sing but you also had stage presence and a great style. I think I first saw you in the pages of Dazed & Confused in a shoot within the doors of Bardens Bourdoir and you instantly captured my attention and imagination.
Now you are Lightspeed Champion and have a fans in both myself and EJ (who is going to see you tonight!). We would love to run an interview with you and go through your style references. There can be little doubt that you are heavily influenced by Weezer in your music but who influences your personal style, where do you shop? Stop posing in photos for the Facehunter (although it does brighten up the site from the usual dullness of under dressed, underage girls) and come do an interview with us at Style Salvage!
For those of you unfamiliar with Dev and his present musical guise Lightspeed Champion, check out the below performance where he is sporting an awesome combination of plaid, puffa and fur hat.
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