
Poetry in Motion

There's something about ballet that always appeals, whether it's the beautiful, supple bodies or the floaty, ethereal dresses or the absolute grace and poise. You can't deny it, ballet is definitely one of the most beautiful and important performing arts and to lose this would be a tragedy.

Sadly the Cape Town City Ballet, which is a 75 year old institution, is facing possible closure due to lack of financial funding and support. So I'm appealing to all of my Cape Town readers to please attend their brand new production called Poetry in Motion which starts this Thursday. It's sponsored by Poetry Lifestyle Stores and will be a unique marriage of dance, music and poetry. It promises to be a feast for both the eyes and ears.

Poetry in Motion runs from from the 6-15 May and tickets are available from Computicket. I've got tickets for Thursday evening and am super excited, who's going to join me?

Poetry Ballet 1

Poetry Ballet 2

Poetry in Motion ballet

J Crew

Poetry Ballet5

galaxie andrews

You can also make a donation to keep the Cape Town City Ballet alive over here.

Image credits: 1 & 3) Poetry, 2, 4 & 6) courtesy of the Cape Town City Ballet and Poetry, 5) J.Crew, 7) Day Birger et Mikkelsen dress, Vince jacket, Giuseppe Zanotti gladiators and Chloé clutch, 8) Galaxie Andrews


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