
Sole Deflation

The title of this post makes no sense. None at all, really, learn to expect nothing less of me. What I was going for was perhaps a witty one liner of some sort stressing the importance of a good flat sandal. And then I thought about matzah because it's flat too. And then I thought about Passover and eating matzah and missing bread and how bread rises like high heels while matzah stays deflated, not unlike a good flat sandal. And thus: sole deflation. Get it? Get it?

I speculate I just lost about 13 blog followers. Let's take guesses in the comments later. 

Before we get there though, below, find the flats in question that brought upon this messianic epiphany.
The photo is compliments of Instagram and so resolution doesn't portray the darling contrast between the espadrillo soles and satin fabric on top. But let me tell you, these little nuggets are versatile. Three syllables. 

And look...

Now, the reason I am go gung-ho on these particular flat sandals is because a. I saw them on various sites for nearly double the price and so felt like I was getting some sort of deal...despite their being comprised primarily of hemp and raffia. In this situation, the only person really getting a deal is Charlotte O. herself and reason b: I thought about how many dollars I spend on heels and how comparatively few times I wear them next to flat shoes. Why not then, invest the moola in shoes that I will most likely wear everyday. I'm most certainly not trekking from home to le 6 train in 6 inch Chris Benz heels. Oh who am I kidding, yes I am!

Actually, I'm kidding myself. I straight up sprained my ankle on Saturday night and then saw Jeffrey Campbell's frighteningly similar knock-off and so our love affair is on hold. Until my ankle is better at least. 

Through these digressions, my ultimate point was just to say that flats can be undying-ly chic-ly What's that? You didn't get that impression at all? Well, this is awkward. 

Here is photo documentation of proof:
vest and shorts: Club Monaco, blouse: Zara, shoes: Charlotte Olympia
Give your feet a break, eh? It's hot out.


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