
Guess the Blogger Pose, Part I

 Extra Repeller points if you one of you mangos can guess which personal style blogger I am copy pasting?


Fine, I'll tell you. 

Why is Rumi always crawling the floors...

doing acrobatic stunts clad in 6 inch wedges...

flaling body parts around in a way that suggests she is dying...

hitting on dead people...

and eating tuna melts or McDonalds on the pages of her style diary blog Fashiontoast?
Whoopsie Daisy Dukes, that's me and my falafel. I'm so Rumi chic.

Back to the aforequestioned questions. Perhaps because she is a modern day bat woman.

Rumi is my bread and butter. The substance of which my soul is made. I love her dark abysmal guts. So, as homage to her Man Repelling ways, I played a game of copy cat (with who, you ask? Why, myself, of course) and sprawled my legs out against the floor while eating a tuna wrap. Unfortunatey my brass knuckles, leopard ninja scarf and hangover-meets-the-blind blackout shades were on lay away.

I am wearing crotch pinching leopard shorts though.

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