
Brand watch: Nom de Guerre

Oh my, I am in love. I was in Oi Polloi yesterday, longing to be male when I saw a shirt I thought you'd like by a brand called Nom de Guerre. It was in the lumberjack-y pattern that we both love, but a heavy, cord-like material. Slightly unusual, a little on the expensive side, but as I said to Rob at the time, if you'd been there you probably would have bought it.

The pattern is just about visible in this pic- I love the styling too

I made a mental note of the brand name and carried on window shopping. I remembered only now to look it up and- forgive me for repeating myself- oh my, I am in love. I can't pinpoint exactly what it is I like, but I suspect it's the colours and the autumn-y, outdoorsy feel to the clothes and photos.

All of these pictures are from the Autumn/Winter 07 collection, though the Spring/Summer 08 lot look pretty tasty too. There is a timelessness (corny thing to say, I know) to all of the clothes that somehow isn't boring with it. I don't know if you will think that maybe it's lacking something, a twist or something, but I thought I had to let you know about it if you didn't know already.

How do I not hate this hat??

Well according to wikipedia it means 'name of war' and refers to pseudonyms adopted by resistance fighters and terrorists. Anyway, i digress...back to the clothes. I do like the style of this shoot. It reminds me of the Heath in Autumn and I would be styled in a similar fashion. I particularly like the whole mood of the middle image. One of the key facets of successful menswear labels for me are those that create styles that create a sense of timelessness. I don't think its corny. I personally like to spend that little bit more n clothes that in know won't be dated in a few months times. I have seen this label in the cloth, it seemed vaguely familiar and low and behold after checking the stockists I saw it can be found in A Butcher of Distinction off Brick Lane which I visited a month or two ago (I must remember to take my notebook out so I can jot down the names of both cool shops and labels). According to their website the a/w 07 collection is the 'Young Americans' collection inspired by the era just before the Vietnam war - the time of blue jeans, plaid shirts and argyle sweaters. I love plaid shirts at the moment. They do seem to be everywhere but so they should be!


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