Moving forward:
Many have you have inquired, whether by twitter, email, or blog comment about who makes my fancy flamingo white blazer with cheetah peek interior.
Well Repellers, the blazer is from an old Dolce & Gabbana pant suit (pre-recession) my mom used to wear while she was riding the Hillary Clinton campaign trail.
Just kidding, she wasn't even a US citizen until about three days ago.
Kidding again!
I love my mom. Do you love yours? Is this something we need to talk about?
She doesn't know I've taken ownership over the blazer, but I have. It's mine now and I'm going to tell the world about it.
In news that has nothing to do with shoulder pads, blazers, Hillary Clinton or my mother...remember the hairy shoes I posted yesterday and the furray bootays I posted a few weeks ago?Good, if you didn't I would have busted a (knee)cap in your ass.
Now, I bring you these. A la Opening Ceremony, DUH.
Is it just me or do these $555
He always was my favorite Adams.
Ok then, happy Friday! spirit of the long departed but never forgotten beeper: 143.
(It means I (1) love (4) you (3), dumbass.)
Contact:, Tweetertwatter: @ManRepeller
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