There's no catch, I mean that. See, I may have told you you may think I'm trying to take a step outside the box and convert usual blogger protocol (i.e. photographing in parks while looking down at my outfit, enjoying the scenery and what have you) but the reality of the matter is this: my apartment is under construction. In the instances photographed below, you will find bed furniture in the notorious living room. Unfortunately, the owners of said furniture have opted to move out temporarily, they aren't particularly keen on having their living space connect to a dining room and kitchen with no proper door in sight.
Cool shoes, right? They were a canceled sample I snatched while interning at Valentino a couple years ago...but back to what's important, shit like: the sartorial conquest at hand.
Because I do believe this dress stands man repelling test of time. Gown look slightly familiar? Gossip Girl's Serena wore the very same one on an episode of Gossip Girl ca. season four, just before the sitcom became a full fledged prime time soap opera. You likely remember seeing it bare. Cut outs showing off chiseled abs and low neckline, skimpy shoulder straps embracing sultry collar bones.
Not sure where I'm going with this? Use your bean. Come on. This is the ultimate skew. The ultimate Man Getter to Repeller successfully achieved in but one layer of cotton. Give me a hand, come on. Just one hand. Fine, a couple o'fingers. Evidently Joke Repeller is at it again.
What? I always smile while I sleep.
Ultimately, my point is to say this: hey, hello. How's it going? Monday again?
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