
No Sex & The City: Color Me Leopard

I once tweeted that I hoped someone would ask me my favorite color so that I could answer leopard print (*editor note: #reawrrr). That said, This week's installment of No Sex & The City will revolve around the favorite print for Man Repellers worldwide. And in honor of Wednesday's Shopbop/Club Monaco e-commerce launch, sorry, I mean #shopbopclubmonaco, I'll take a cue from the new partnership. 

This week, you're not having sex just bought Club Monaco's Gwen Faux Fur Coat.

It's interesting that a Club Monaco piece would fall into the No Sex & The City category. Certain stores have a couldn't-repel-if-we-tried policy. This is one of them. Calypso and J.Crew live under the same umbrella. Victoria's Secret catalog, Bebe and Guess, however, are reserved for a different type of category, one often coated in red patent leather.

Evidently, Club Monaco is departing from their old ways and getting their fancy on. Hence the cheetaloo. I came face to face with the adaptation of the feline on Tuesday night. It was soft. I explained to a co-shopper that if standard faux furs were fashion out of the Toys 'R' Us catalog, this was from F.A.O. Schwartz. So I pet, and I pet, and I pet. 
And then I noticed the Peter Pan collar. It was at this point that I realized the jacket would hit two birds with one stone and nail two man-repelling trends for the price of one! Holy grail!

So, in my plaid button up shirt, (if my brother is reading, I'm sorry I stole your shirt but in my defense, it does not fit you,) I tried the leopard coat on. With the inclusion of a panama hat, facilitated by Club Monaco, and my good old friend toomanyronis Emily Kropp, wearing a wiggy topknot, feathers inside her ears and a plaid print CM blazer, we were R2R.

That stands for ready to repel.
And that we did.  
Do note the exposed zipper.
I somehow turned this post from being about your not having sex, to mine. I'm so vain.
...And on that note, don't forget to check out my #FF Twitter Crush feature on the shopbop blog, here!


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