
Shoes That Love Butt Sex, Right This Way

Early this morning a twitter follower tweeted a link at me. I read it while I was sleeping. I'm happy that when I woke up I checked my @mentions again because it was the best link my virginal eyes had ever seen. 

Before I tell you to see below, I think it's important that you know I really considered toning the crassness of my blog down a bit (*editor note: lies). So far, I fail. As of this moment, I've already previously documented a shoe that resembles a vagina and a shoe that will put your sex life at halt. I never thought I would document a shoe that provokes the thought of anal sex... (*editor note: it also provokes thoughts of doggy style -- a very popular position with the sexually active these days. just saying...)

Evidently though, I would/did/am. So, if you intended to set some time apart from your busy day to think about doing it--or taking it--from behind, eat your ass heart out, SHE'S IN READY POSITION! (*editor note: or like the legendary 1990 two live crew song says: "face down, ass up, that's the way i like to...") 

I can't believe I just wrote that. I really wasn't raised to talk like this but then again, I'm not the pervert who created these shoes either. I just bring the news to you. Though I could have been the pervert who created these shoes, I wouldn't put it passed myself.

But I didn't and right here right now, that's whats important.


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