
Some More Tooting of The Horn That Represents My Ego

I was going to toot my own horn, but then Polly Vernon for Grazia did it for me. In case you're not in the UK or don't have access to English magazines, looky looky at what Michelle Bobb-Paris sent me. Scanners rock. I was going to get one but then...I GOT A PS1 INSTEAD! DO YOU HEAR ME PROENZA? I OWN YOU. Literally.

I lied. I didn't buy it yet, but I will, this week.
Unless another bank pulls a Lehman Brothers on this economy's ass or something of that sort.

I digress. Behold:
I'm assuming you can't read this. The text is really small. But maybe you have the best vision on planet earth. You likely don't though so I took the liberty of taking several screen shots. You may win an award if you can piece the below images together correctly.

You probably won't win an award, it's fairly easy to piece together.

AND, while I'm on the topic of myself...Looky looky peeky peeky at my little baby cameo in The New Yorker this passed week:
I call this one: Literary Magazine Jumpsuit Legit.

So, call me!


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