When I graduated an orthodox Jewish day school in 2007, I vowed to burn any and all remnants of the wardrobe that tormented my high school years. This included some twenty long black floor length straight skirts and three pairs of Uggs. There I said it: I wore Uggs, AND I LIKED IT. Since graduation, I've made it my business to bare my legs, thighs, even ass on occasion. But when maxi skirts started peeking on to runways and the Tuilerie Gardens last fashion week, I knew I was doomed. Doomed, I tell ya. Let's just take a look through some photo evidence, all courtesy of Mr. Newton.
You see, she may or may not have actually bought this skirt from the consignment shop I sold it to.
Her too.
HER THREE. Though I have to say, that red leather clutch (you see Bag Snob, day clutches rock!) and her leather sleeves are giving me heart palpitations and a rather explosive lady boner.
She did not buy that skirt from me, but maybe from the Israeli salvation army. Meet you at the Western Wall in 10?
She's not neccesarily dressed like a Yeshiva high school girl but girlfriend (Vika? Is that you?) is wearing a nude training bra which does bring back vivid high school memories.
This model took it to the next level with her wide brimmed Panama hat. Channeling a Rabbi on the head and a Jewish girl on the legs just seems right. But also so wrong.
And finally, if ever there was proof that I am slave to
image via StyledOn, shot by The Greyest Ghost
I question how proud my high school teachers actually are.
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