"Dude, I have an idea for a post," she said.
"What be it," said I, implementing my best ebonics.
"Camilla Skovgaard shoes look like Sonic the Hedgehog."
The Japanese video game figure's head does bare a striking resemblance to everyone's favorite shoe sole. This chatter about Sonic's head in turn brought to mind the uncanny resemblance between Anna Wintour's head and Dora the Explorer's. But back to Sonic, who would have thought the Sega Genesis rockstar would become such an avant-gardist? I suppose we should have guessed it: a rich tone of blue overcomes his body, the latest in innovative footwear: flats that look like rocket ships cover his feet and he flees from Japan.
Now I ask you, fellow repellows, who wears the spike better? Sonic's head...
Or our feet?
For more 90s-kids-rule-the-world inspired footwear, I suggest you check out the sale pages at Net-A-Porter. Exciting accesories like THESE Lego-chic master pieces a la Versace await you.

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