Real life conversation examples below:
"Is that your pet cheetah?" "No! They're my leopard print sandals."
"Oh how adorable, I didn't know you had a pug." "I don't, these are my Opening Ceremony booties."
"Your shoes look like Sonic the Hedgehog." "Why yes, yes they do. Thank you for taking note."
I was once told it's bad luck to gift people shoes but that is a dumb superstition and I am hereby expelling it.
Andddd moving forward, let's take a look at five of the best sets of shoes my man-repelling ass could find for you:
A. Leopard Print Pony Hair Oxfords
And I quote my man friend when I say this "You are not a jungle animal." Little do you know, man friend, I am, in fact, a jungle animal. One who evidently adores implementing commas.
B. Glitter Leather Ankle Boots
I prefer to call them tranny cowboy boots or perhaps the result of a disco-meets-the-midwest horror film.
C. Furry Booties
These darling conversation starters will not only function as your ice breaker, but as aforementioned, can heal the wounds you may have about a departed pet puppy, or something. (I'm projecting again.)
D. Open-toe Skirted Pumps
They say you shouldn't judge a person until you've walked a mile in her shoes, I suppose your judgements will be come more accurate and perhaps intimate if said shoes looked like dripping vaginas. And you can't put a pricetag on the prospect of slipping your feet into dripping vaginas, really. You just can't.
E. Bedrock-Chic Ankle Boots
The Flinstone inspired Bedrock-chic ankle bootie above is heavily reduced from its starting price, $1250. You would thus be a fool not to buy them. Dinosaur feet for shoes is the latest and greatest in man repelling fashions.
I will conclude saying this: Yabba-dabba-doo!
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