
{ haute household under $25 } office

Today's Haute Household Under $25 post comes from Laura of A La Mode et Plus, who pulled together ideas for the home office.

Carrie Bradshaw would be the first lady to tell you that there are several important firsts in a single gal's life: that first great kiss, the first time his beautiful lips utter that sweet L-word and the first time your guy sees your apartment. But Ms. Bradshaw failed to mention another very exciting first: the first time your guy gives you a key and invites you to come join him in his bachelor pad - for more than just the night. Yes, ladies, it's a thrilling moment when your guy decides he is ready to wake up with you snuggled by his side every morning and that he can handle your morning breath day in and day out.

But, transitioning from "me" to "we" can also be a little scary. The combining of two lives - or, more accurately, two tastes - can be quite tricky. And remember, if you are the one moving into his previously male-dominated territory, you must approach with caution. Try to contain the urge to immediately tell him all the changes you will make, and instead slowly incorporate non-intimidating items that reflect your own personality.

A home office is a perfect room to start in. You have many options of accent items you can add to the space that won't leave him feeling suffocated in femininity. Leave the pink shag carpet that screams "I am woman, see me take over your space" at home and opt for a classy, neutral mirror with feminine accents instead. The key to office decor is to keep the big pieces in the room gender neutral, and let the accents speak to your inner design goddess. If he wants to keep his plain computer desk and the black carpet, let him. But compromise by hanging a girly print that shows your interests and an embellished lamp to add some lighting to the room.

I know I said to stay away from pink, but since it isn't the dominating force of this print I think you are ok. Plus, he'll be attracted to the humor of the print. It's a fantastic way to remind your guy, and yourself, that you have a life outside of him and interests that are a huge part of who you are. Price: $22

I adore this photo mobile and love that they have hung post cards. I think it is the perfect way to display mementos from trips the two of you have taken together. That way, he feels represented in the room, and he'll have a visual reminder of happy moments the two of you have shared. Price: $18

Do I even need to explain the appeal of Paris? Je ne pense pas! Paris is the eternal city of romance. And a wall calendar is a necessity in any office so you have a place to write down all the important dates in your life - and it's an excellent opportunity to subtly remind him of big days! Price: $3.50

Photo boards are an easy way to add an instant feminine touch to a space, but the yellow and black tones of this board will make it appealing to your guy as well. And don't worry, he really just loves seeing your smiling face. Price: $19.99

A mirror can add so much depth to a space, and the shape of these mirrors is very appealing to the feminine eye. But it isn't a threatening silhouette for a dude, either. Plus, you could spruce these up by painting them an agreed upon bright color to make them a statement piece in the office. Price: $17.49

Ok, so this lamp is slightly over the $25 limit, but forgive me: I can't help myself when I see a sweet, delicate piece such as this! I just have to share. Price: $25.49

Oh and have I mentioned the most important part of moving in together? Simply have fun and enjoy one another! That is why you made this decision in the first place so remember not to let the silly things, such as decorating, come between you. Happy moving in, Jessica, and I wish you and D lots of sweet memories!

Thanks, Laura! Be sure to visit her at A La Mode et Plus or on Twitter @laurachanning.


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