
The Non-Beauty Advices From Jared Leto-Men’s Beauty Tips

Actor, rock star, and new face for perfume Hugo Boss Just Different, Jared Leto was visiting Paris. GQF took the opportunity to ask him the secrets of his beauty (and try to do the same).

Spend 20 minutes alone with Jared Leto is a bit like entering a parallel universe bathed in ultra Zen tranquility.  A kind of visit to a Buddhist temple where the guru would be the chipped black nail polish.

Contrary to what one might think, Jared is not the kind of rock star "beer, chips, groupies.”  Quite the opposite.  At least for the "beer and chips.”  When asked to describe the perfect day, he imagines himself lost in the wilderness to drink water.  His guilty pleasure: eating a square of dark chocolate.

Big Marradi.  We first thought it was a cynical joke, but no.  After survey teams spent several days with him, it appears that Jared has not actually touched a drop of champagne and only ate fruit and some salad leaves.  Big Marradi (bis).

This lifestyle is the secret beauty of the youth.  Moisturizer?  "No, I do not like it.  I do not even use soap.”  Do not worry.  Jared washes.  At least, that smell nice (thank you Hugo Boss Just Different) suggests.

In addition  he does not apply soap on his face.  "I only use shampoo for my hair and soap for my body.  To my face, just water.  I have never used a beauty product," says Jared.  Even against my insistence, incredulous, he resists with a beautiful “Nothing, never, ever".  I think then stuck with shaving.  Even if a program does not apply moisturizer, the man may well shave ...with shaving cream!  Lost.  "I do not shave.  I use a lawn mower.  The same as for cutting my hair."

Nevertheless, Jared ment.  For even if only for a few occasions, Jared has already made ​​up.  "In my concerts, I dare any makeup.  I already put war paint on his face, I got scratches.  However, that was just for fun.  I never make-up in life ".  Obviously being a rock star (Jared is the leader of the group 30 Seconds to Mars) is a good excuse to do anything.

Capillaries elsewhere, Jared is like "rock star.”  "I'm quite spontaneous with regard to my hair and hairstyle choices.”  And when I remember to have crossed there is one and a half at Louis Vuitton with a ridge blonde-tipped roses, it doesn’t tick.

This cup was quite normal for him.  "In your opinion, what should I do?”  Wonder there as if searching for a new challenge.  I advise him on a dark blue mane a little longer.  (P *** Blue Chanel ad that I have always in mind)  "Interesting.  I'll think," he concludes.

Not sure that this suggestion is far too simple for his taste.  However, who knows, maybe in a few weeks, he will listen to me.  In addition, I could then say, "This blue, it is for me."

Watch this video: Jared Leto interview on Lopez Tonight- 2011

Andrea Galante

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Jared Leto - Hugo Boss


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