And the winner is..............
Congratulations to you! Please extend an invitation to the alleged finger puppet wars you intend to host. I will be e-mailing you shortly with retrieval details.
And as for the rest of you, just because Am won the ring does not she won all of my heart. In fact, there's a place in my heart for every single one of you. It's a big place, too. My heart is bigger than Kim Kardashian's ass.
Thank you for participating, fellow repellows, let's do it again soon!
Before I send you off, here I deliver the gift of photos:
image via Naomi Shon
I love a good leopard print clashing with a Persian rug.image via 5inchandup
Because Sandra, her Miu Miu bird socks and black sandals deliver the gift of infinite lady boning.And finally, here's to Poultry dressing.
Photo taken by my BFF: Arielle Himoff. If it were up to her, she'd still live in Yemen.
Congratulations again, winner! (Though you're all winners on my scoreboard.)
The dumbass behind this computer screen with three papers due tomorrow.
None of which, complete.
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