Being tagged with an award is a fun way to start the day! A big thank you to the adorably sweet Ashley at At the End of the Day. (Go ahead, open her blog in a new tab and head over there once you're done reading this.)
- You Can Only Use One Word!
- Pass this along to 5 of your favorite bloggers!
- Alert them that you have given them this award!
- Have Fun!
- Where is your cell phone? Purse
- Your hair? Straight
- Your Mother? Caring
- Your Brother? Army
- Your Favorite Food? Cupcakes
- Your Dream Last Night? Secret
- Your Favorite Drink? Caffeinated
- Your dream/goal? Happiness
- What room are you in? Living
- Your hobby? Reading
- Your fear? Loneliness
- Where do you want to be in 6 years? Successful
- Where were you last night? Home
- Something that you aren’t? Disorganized
- Muffins? All
- Wish list item? This
- Where did you grow up? Wisconsin
- Last thing you did? Yawn
- What are you wearing? Pajamas
- Your TV? News
- Your pets? None
- Friends? Entertaining
- Your life? Comfortable
- Your mood? Undecided
- Missing someone? Yes
- Vehicle? Honda
- Something you’re not wearing? Socks
- Your favorite store? Undecided
- Your favorite color? All
- When was the last time you laughed? Yesterday
- Last time you cried? Thursday
- Your best friend? Boyfriend
- One place that I go to over and over? Work
- One person who e-mails me regularly? Coworker
- Favorite place to eat? Local
Tagging 5 Fantastic Bloggers
BonBon Rose
Candace Rose
Dilly Dallas
Pudding and the Post-Fab Princess
The Owls are not what They Seem
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