The turkey is banished to the refrigerator, only to be reincarnated in the form of many poultry sandwiches. The only remnants of pumpkin pie are a few orange-tinted crumbs. The holiday cocktails have subsided into an epic headache. And yet the festivities continue in the 2 a.m. line outside of Best Buy.
I wish I could say I avoid Black Friday, but I can't help taking part in the twisted ritual. The flurry of people and intoxicating discounts kick off the holiday season. But when I watch someone yank a coveted DVD from another's hand, I vow never to do it again. Yet every year, I'm ready to go when the alarm sounds at the crack of dawn.
I didn't realize, however, that I'm taking part in a 28-year-old tradition. From a Detroit News article:
But few shoppers know that the sense of urgency that now rouses them to the pre-dawn hunt was manufactured here in Detroit, to spur sales during hard times in 1981.
The notion of an early bird sale to kick off the holiday shopping season was born at J.L. Hudson's, when the department store unlocked its doors at 9 a.m. -- half an hour earlier than usual -- and held a one-hour "doorbuster" sale.
Are you taking part in the chaos today? What deals have you scored?And, please, don't trample anyone.
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