As you may have gathered from Saturday's post, the sweetly feminine Jenika Coat by Kendall K. will be the epicenter of my spring wardrobe. And I'm thrilled to announce that one reader has the chance to win one of her own!
{ Tell us a little bit about your line. }
Kendall K. is a very feminine clothing line and it definitely represents my own style, which is a mixture of vintage and glamour. Spring was very delicate and flirty whereas fall is more dressy and a tad sexier. I imagine a confident women that doesn't take life too seriously, exactly what I'm striving for.
{ Where do you find inspiration? }
I'm highly inspired by vintage clothing. I love the way things were made back in the day, with intent to last and subtle detailing. I also love trim and fabric shopping, especially in the China markets. Often times, one trim idea can help formulate an entire collection.
{ What was the hardest part of launching your line? }
{ What was the hardest part of launching your line? }
The hardest part about launching the line has to definitely be keeping the faith. When I was working endlessly on starting up this company and spending a ton of our savings, I had to constantly remind myself why I was doing it, and that the end result would be worth it. Even though I had a huge support network, it was really up to me to keep truckin' forward, even though I had no clue if it was going to be a success or not. It's especially difficult as a clothing manufacturer, since often times you won't see results for six months later, when you ship to the stores. However, when I shipped my first orders a few weeks ago, I knew it was all worth it!
{ How has your line evolved? What's next? }
I believe that my work evolves every time I hear a new comment, or meet a new Kendall K. lady. I take into consideration all the comments made and really fine tune the product while keeping my original thought process in tack. This is a very delicate balance and I believe that it's important while trying to brand yourself as a clothing company, you must listen! For fall, I hope to branch out to the east coast and find a showroom in New York. Also, I will be launching my online store next month!
{ What's your favorite piece - and your most popular? }
My favorite piece would have to be "Grace" or the Jenika! but the most popular style so far has been the "Brandy" top. Almost every boutique that ordered this season has picked up either the ivory or blush colorway. Also every time I wear it out, I get a compliment. It was named after my sister!
Mandatory entry: Complete the two steps below. This counts as one entry.
- This giveaway is open to Style Obsession followers - new followers welcome! Sign up at the right via Google Friend Connect, Bloglovin', or by RSS. Just let me know how you follow.
and - "Like" Kendall K. on Facebook.
- Browse Kendall K.'s collection on the website and let me know what other items you love.
- Follow @style_obsession and @kendallkstyle on Twitter.
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- Blog about this giveaway and leave the URL in your comment.
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