I wanted to recreate that post for you here but because I will likely be duplicating content a lot next week (cue: Shopbop's Shop Talk, New York Magazine's The Cut) I thought I'd keep it funky, fresh and most importantly: furry. So without further adieu I give you: Getting Fashion Week Ready. Eat your heart out, Mr. Newton. (Not really, more like, snap my photo.)
dress: Madison Marcus via Shop The Far Out
Step 1: Give the Black Swan a run for her feathers. Look something like a potato sack while doing so. blouse: Pencey, belt: Alaia
Step 2: Have more feathers? Throw them in. Have a mom with remnants of the 80s in the form of navy leather Alaia cut-out belt? Add that too.photo by Chuck Grant
...You can also stop in your tracks if you please to pretend as though you are the subject of a Seventeen Magazine fashion spread. Optional. Highly recommended.
...You can also stop in your tracks if you please to pretend as though you are the subject of a Seventeen Magazine fashion spread. Optional. Highly recommended.
leather vest: What Goes Around Comes Around
Step 3: Add a vest, Bonus points if its leather because swans that ride motorcycles are really hot right now and this look may exude just that.tights: H&M, socks: Hue, shoes: Marni
Step 4: Bare feet and legs aren't going to do, if only because current weather conditions call for hypothermic reactions--though I do suppose purple legs could make for a great color-blocking story. Just try for floral print tights (hipster points for pre-ripped seams) and a pair of socks to pair with some sandals for now. We're almost there, Repellers!jacket: Veda
Step 5: Add a military jacket because, you know, when in doubt, utility out. yeti vest: Adrienne Landau, oversized clutch: Reece Hudson
Step 6: Holy moly me oh my, feathers and fur, feathers and fur. Just like a woman trying to seduce you holding a sign that reads "chock full o'STDs." Eh? Eh? No? Anyone? Sigh, no one gets me....As you can see, the layers are still all in tact. In fact, the white swan flying up above is dying for a cameo. Hey little arm pit! How goes it?
That said and done, I think we're ready. Happy fashion week bone-de-bunkers.
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