I think I've definitely exhausted documentation of the Lucky Magazine March Blogger Spread but this is my blog, I can paint it any color I want. Today I'm painting red on red for repetition. Hooray! So here I stand before you once again, tooting the horn that represents my ego. (That said, did you catch the title's Lucky pun? I slay myself.)
As I said while getting dressed in the below "boy meets girl" ensemble on the day of this shoot, "I look like a chic Middle Eastern version of Ellen Degeneres." The stylist looked at me dumbfounded, perhaps somewhat insulted. I so obviously meant it in the most complimentary way possible. White Stella McCartney separates? If they had gentials, I'd consider symbiotic procreation.
Before I continue, a special thank you goes out to Lucky Magazine for dubbing me "one of the most hilarious voices in fashion." If you think my voice is funny you should take a look at my gesticulations. Talk about a knee slapper. Punny.And...moving on. I'm not usually one to wear much make up so this was an interesting experience for my eyelids and I was quite pleased with the results, if only because the man behind the blush brush kept squirming in his Italian accent, "I am the makeup artist of Anne Hathaway. Oh may Gohde! You looka juste like her!" 'Twas a highlight indeed.
More fun tidbits from the shoot included getting really well acquainted with Jane of Sea of Shoes, Kelly from The Glamourai and Rachelle from Guest of a Guest.
Jane, Kelly and I spoke granny panties, latex, banana swirl fur and spent a great deal of time trying to figure out if anyone knows what The Knight Cat looks like.We hear you're beautiful, Cat. Please show yourself.
Take a peek at the rest of the spread here.
AND OMFG! Don't forget to enter the Rebecca Minkoff Fashion Show Ticket Giveaway.
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