In StyleCaster's latest editorial, they photographed 50 New Yorkers and dubbed them most stylish. I was likely included in this bunch solely because I used to intern there and when I did, I tap danced everyday. Sometimes I lap danced too. Just kidding. That's not an appropriate form of expression in the work place.
In any case, I found some grade A quality meat when I peeped the editorial early this morning, and I couldn't help but notice how deer-in-headlights chic I looked in my photo. The longer I look at it the more I start to think I look like something of a video game avatar. A video game. Based on man repelling. Women castrate men by shooting turbans out of their necklaces that look like guns? Vulgar. Sounds fun. Something to look into.

pants: the everfamous Rag & Bone suede Elgers, blouse: Equipment, sweater: All Saints, shoes: Jimmy Choo, to perfect the suede on suede look, hair bow: American Apparel
And for a look at the company I was in, see below.
Simon Doonan, creative director at Barneys. Joanna Hillman, fashion editor at Harper's Bazaar.
Not trying to toot my own horn or anything but when I met Simon Doonan last week at Fred's, he called me a genius and then opened a discussion about dissecting the reasons Man Repellers like Daphne Guinness have affairs and the like. Man Repellers who get men, something to look into. Joanna Hillman may or may not be one of my very favorite magazine editors. Her style is particularly man repeller chic and feels fairly attainable at times. Love that she mixes high and low at her own disclosure.
At Charlotte Ronson's runway show last week, people swooned at Kim Kardashian's presence, I on the other hand grew flustered when I noticed Waris sitting directly across from me. Before today, he was the king of Turbans and Wes Andersen's main squeeze. Now, my virtual life mate. I'm all about suspenders and am thinking about growing out my beard, too! Just kidding, guys.
On of my favorite personal style bloggers on planet earth, Kelly puts the glam in Glamourai. And without glam, it's just ourai. And that doesn't make very much sense at all.
Hi Andrew. World, I'm not going to give anything away, but get ready to see the king of darkness and myself on many a collective screen in the future. He says he epitomizes gay man-repelling, I say that's true. And one day soon, he will tell you about it on this here forum.
A rare occasion it is that I am so inspired by men's fashion but look at the crop StyleCaster harvested for this shoot. Timo Weiland is one my favorite human specimens and designers alike. I think he may have instilled the lady bowner in me.
And in more from "designers I admire:" Reece Solomon, the lady behind the leather you just want to have sex with on Reece Hudson bags. The particular clutch she's holding in the right photo comes in a fantastical shade of bright green. A perfect spring accent, if I may say'self.
Olivia Palermo in a Topshop skirt and Elizabeth and James booties. She and I share the same old stomping ground. We're both New School products. Isn't that just, darling?
And finally, here's to you, DJ DIAMOND. Are you related to Neil? Tell us, we have to know.
And sign up for Nuva-Ring here.
So, fellow repellows, who was your favorite from the overall fash-crop?
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