With a few exceptions, the general consensus this season has been a stray from our beloved leopard prints and a dip into more unconventional patterns. Perhaps the most unconventional revealed itself yesterday at Jill Stuart’s runway show when the designer seemed to have taken a cue from Christopher Kane and opted for animal faces, not prints.

How so very...foxy.
The chest, a notoriously “happy place” for our male counterparts will take on new functionality this season as the most stylish new haven to preserve wildlife. Never mind the shapeless silhouettes that—to an uninitiated man—read more like potato sacks than they do what they truly are: finely crafted pieces of wearable art, but while we celebrate the opportunity to embrace endangered species in a PETA-friendly way, the men dispatch. They scratch their heads in perpetual confusion while they collectively question our motivation: the chest is supposed to nurture new born life, not endangered animals...right? Wrong. Put simply, we see foxy, they see animal plastered across what used to be the preferred region of male-gazing.
In light of this, let us come together and bask in....Clicky, clicky to read more at The Cut here.
...Such a tease, eh?
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