Are you sensing my sarcasm? You should be. The only thing practical about The Row's collection was the outrageously large lady boner it induced into my neon tweed pants. To quote myself I will once again exclaim: Practicality doesn't matter: when has fashion ever been about function?
Sit back, relax and enjoy the de-bone.
Tube socks, nifty.
This is the fur dress aforementioned. Could you die? Would you die? I likely wouldn't. And not because I don't adore this look, simply because I really like life. Suicide is bad.
Do you think she had a hard time walking the runway properly what with the enormous fur towel atop her head getting in the way of her eyesight? Whatever, the real importance here rests below the ankle where the most perfect pair of leopard print slippers adorn her feet.
Ties, ties! Yeah, yeah. Ties!
Hold on to him tight, girlfriend.
And last but not least, thrown in for good measure, I am so pleased to see that proper menswear will continue to make strides next season. K...gotta go, love you! Bye!
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