
Trendspotting: Heavy Reds

...Talk about a Red Scare...
I plan to emulate. Photo by Mr. Newton
Recent runway evidence suggests that red is the official color of next fall. Why wait until then though, when you can unleash your inner fire engine starting right here and now. Several possibilities present themselves in the name of channeling our inner Soviet sisters, you can take a cue from the tomato-chic look pictured above, who spares no shame in an effort to own the trend. Or, you can look to the ladies pictured below, who opt to keep their blush interest somewhat more discreet...
Images via Mr. Newton
Take these two for example: the left bird keeps the outfit monochromatic but adds a punchy temple topper to catch Mr. Newton's eye, while girl crush Joanna Hillman rocks her signature red lip that inadvertently adds fun color to an outfit otherwise choc full o'muted hues.

Below photos via Streetfsn
Well wouldja look at that, another red hat. I wish there were cat somewhere nearby so I could continue on a rhyming escapade. In any case, I dig what she do.
While this girl may not necessarily intend to make any sort of grandiose fashion statement with her big red head-phones, I'll still give her face time because they are cool, sorry, I mean kewl, and so is she. Let's take bets on what she's listening to, I'm guessing Nick Lachey's solo album. You?
 Accessorizing with a purse not unlike the one photoed above may satisfy your red thirst.
...And back on the heavier trend train...
 Mr. Newton once again captures the bright hue in from of high waist red Palazzo pant. An effective MR indeed.
Sexy details to do me from behind, via Streetfsn
Oh hey! Look at that, Mr. Newton got a piece of me too. Yes sure, you've seen this outfit before, but...
HAVE YOU SEEN THIS? ...The answer to that question is yes, right here. I'm a content recycler, sue me. In any case, don't I look like sangria with bad eye-sight? I should tell you, I have 20/20 vision.

And now, the fun part. Garments and accessories to kick start your try at getting the look TODAY
These are great spring investments and as I mentioned before, unleashing your inner fire engine doesn't have to wait a full season and half, don't torture yourself like that. I am particularly partial toward the Equipment blouse because I own that shit it's nice, and that Shashi bracelet because my favorite ship is friendship and it makes for a great accessory to celebrate just that. 

To close the story, I know I've been referring to everything as..."everything" lately...
But this is really everything. From London Fashion Week, via Streetfsn.

In celebration of Thursday, you should definitely go out rockin' in the U.S.S.R and drink sangria tonight.


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