Holy Man Repeller, detachable collars! Eleven always was my favorite number, if only because I love parallel lines. Now though, the reason's got a little more meat. And I mean that in the most vegan way possible.
I'm no sexy model so I likely won't pair the collar with say, a plunging neckline or sheer sleeveless blouse...but there is something to be said about the mere notion that in as small a space as one collar provides, leopard print and studs are already key outfit players.
See what I mean?
Peep the rest of the collection here, and shop it here. While the prices may be slightly steep, justifying this purchase is easy beans. Number one: it's an elaborate collar, that is not connected to your shirt, you can't really put a price on this prospect. Number two: you can and should think of it as...purchasing a necklace, a really unconventional, show stopping necklace. Plus, I have the bullet adorned calf hair one, don't you want us to be bound together by a brand new element of menswear?photo by Caroline Owens
If that wasn't convincing enough for you though, peep the multitude of ways I wore the collar while playing dress up at Tibi last week.photo by Rachel Scroggins
Here, Lady Tibi herself, Amy Smilovic photo by Rachel Scroggins
The power of this collar is a wild and mysterious thing, you see. So...do you want to date me, or what?I lied when I said "multitude of ways" re: styling the collar, I'm only going to show you one more look in an effort to not ruin tomorrow's Tibi spotlight post, so, in this last look cleverly dubbed "The Print Mixing Paper Boy" I implement use of the sweet neck piece again.
photo by Caroline Owens, handbag by Be&D
It should be noted that I do have a few more collar-related tricks up my sleeve and I will share them with you in due time, but right now, I really have to go. My necklaces are all tangled together and seem to be a mere clink away from either broken or strangling me. Another upside to wearing detachable collars: they don't try to kill you. If you don't hear from me tomorrow, it means I've been choked. This doesn't however, mean, that you can have my collar, though. Here's to taking menswear one level further.
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