via Garance Dore
As promised, find here the continuation of yesterday's teaser "Smells Like '77." As the above photo (and last week's Sabbatical warning post) suggest, skinny jeans may be meeting the end of their day. And a wild relief it is. It's been a nice run (ba da ba, chhh!) sausaging our legs into skinny and rigid pants through thick and thin temperatures, saying no to that extra brownie bite at dinner because of the Thakoon skinnies in transit from Shopbop. Just kidding, we live by Marie Antoinette's mantra and eat cake ton of cake, right? In any case, now, other sweet tooth ridden Man Repellers unite! via Jak + Jil
Wide legs in. I've been partial toward this silhouette for a while. They offer an additional--depending on the heel height but let's hope for--six inches to a woman's legs and distract from whatever thunder thigh situation she may be experiencing at the moment. I wore the aforeworn Textile Elizabeth and James jeans on a date with a man friend a couple months ago (at this point, the social interactions are entirely pending on whether or not I think I can obtain decent blog material,) he asked me to look at the right-hand corner on his phone screen. I did as he asked."What does it say?"
"February 30, 2011." I responded. I hope you are reading attentively. See mentioned date.
"Exactly." He said.
via The Sartorialist
At first, I didn't understand. And then I did. It was in fact, 2011 and not 1970 as my pant silhouette would suggest. Eureka! Dressing for the wrong era, the latest and greatest in Man Repelling fashion wins. So...I did what anyone would do.
And paired the flare with some feathers! 70s inspired vertebrae meets human flesh, I don't see why that doesn't work.
Especially when paired with wildly large Pucci frames. These were given to me by my great grandmother who, as you can guess, was rad as anything. Radder than Hourani even. Hehe.
Now people, in light of my epiphany, it's important that you too get the look so I've drawn some of my favorite offerings from the Internets for you.
They're elegant, they're casual, they're mine.
It's not fall, but this is a perfect palette for it, eh? Not trying to play favorites but the Raoul cuffed bottom wide legs give me butterflies in my pants.

Okay. Your turn. Go on now, flare those legs.
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