After yesterday's bright and sunny Trina Turk post it seems a bit strange to suddenly have an Autumn palette today... but remember that's actually the season here in Cape Town! Today it's suddenly got super chilly, rainy and the feeling is very far from Summer! I think this weekend we'll need some warm cosy blankets, comfort food and possibly have to do a bit of hibernating, that's ok though, for me that means a bit of time out and relaxing, sounds good! What are your plans? Wishing you all a lovely weekend!
Image credits from left to right, row by row: 1) Miha Matei, 2) from T Style via dustjacket attic, 3) trampoline, 4) Stella Nicolaisen via Agent Bauer, 5) Trampoline, 6) Lori H, 7 & 8) Toast
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