Behold: Karl Lagerfeld. Now, I know what you're thinking. Karl Lagerfeld, the person? A Man Repeller? How? What? Why? Well, consider this, (male readers.) No matter how hard you work, how much money you make, how much you love your significant other and how well you treat her, you will always come second to a white haired, asexual, anorexic, German native, who has black sunglasses plastered to his face (no matter what time of day), and has been quoted calling overweight women disgusting, abnormal, a disgrace to fashion and society at large, etc.
Now, if you are a tech nerd trying to swoon the ladies via Twitter (tweet us! @ManRepeller), please note: The Chuck Norris of Fashion has an account (one that doesn't even actually belong to him, no less.) And this is what his stats look like: Followers: 234,907. Following: 0.
The moral of the story is to say: no matter how good you are, he will always be better. And he didn't even have to use his penis.
...Also, he's the asshat whose been telling your girlfriend she should wear clogs, shoulder pads, harem pants and the like.
Jokes on you! Sucka!
Get in touch with us! ManRepeller@gmail.com and follow us on Twitter @ManRepeller
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