The brand, sillies. Not the pimples.
Dear Man Repellers,
Today, I fly away. In light of a brief trip I must make over the Atlantic Ocean, I will most likely have limited computer access between right now and Tuesday. That means limited blog posts, if any. And that means angry faces. Right? Fear not. Don't get down on the lack of labia sprinkling its folds across this forum, instead, indulge in a giveaway. feels your pain and thus in cahoots with those lovely lasses, we're giving you a suede Acne motorcycle jacket. A suAcnket. Yes that's right, I'm buying your affection...but it's not a bribe.
Now, below find some photos of myself moseying around the high line, making a conscious effort not to photograph on the high line because...I'm not in a sequined mini skirt. And if I'm going to go the traditional style blogger route, I'm going all the way. Stay tuned fo'dat.
That's me walking. I feel like I'm telling about a trip using photographic proofs of the things I did. Anyone with me on this one?

That's me looking sexy sally standing against the dissection between a brick wall and yellow garage door. Just kidding, it's blue. Just kidding it's green, just kidding, just kidding.
OMFG, you are such a label whore. But at least you know I'm not faking you out. Authenticity, yeah.
bracelets: DANNIJO. This is my wrist. It can tell time.
bracelets: Mr. Kate. This is my other wrist, it can flex and hold things.
Like this rad graduation gift I bought for myself, for example. (purse: Alexander Wang.)
Really rad graduation gift.
This is my neck. (necklaces: Jack Vartanian, DANNIJO.) I'm not a scorpio.
I am, however...
Straight up weird.
Now, let's talk a little bit about this jacket.
dress: Chloe Sevigny x Opening Ceremony, jacket: Acne, sunglasses: Celine
It's over-sized and so even when wind tries its hardest to induce a Britney, it can't. Do you know what Britney is? I'll just tell you: Vaginal exposure, named after Britney Spears circa multiple car exitings, hoo-ha flashings, 2006.
As you can see, the jacket also induces a very serious giggle. This might because it's so light weight. Summer layering, anyone? Me. Me.
sneakers: Superga
And an apprehension to walk point toe first. It's all about your heel this season. That's all I'm saying.
And finally:
It's just plain old cool. Bikes practically wheel themselves over to behind it in order to fall into photo frames.
Immediate success, contest closed early if...
...You can gel your hair to look like this and you promise to walk around styled as such for 24 hours. Yes, you walk for 24 hours.Alright now, be back soon! I miss you already! Bye!
AND, OMFG, have a look at the rest of my summer lusts here.
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