After all she had two of the hunkiest mangos (A.C "Soul Glow" Slater and Slicked-Back-Zack Morris, for the uninitiated) at Bayside High fighting for her attention. But that was 1986, it's 2010. Take a look below, at a prime example documenting the evolution of fashion.
Try to peel your eyes away from the southern region of her torso for a moment and consider this: through present day, fashion lurvers and flamingos alike have unanimously voted that the 80s were among the worst years in the history of sartorialism (yes, it's true. I made this word up.) That was until just now, when I saw this Northern European bright blinder giving the departed decade a run for its neon. Kelly never would have worn a pink t shirt in belly shirt formation with an orange patterned tank top underneath it. Style points for matching your big ass earrings to the tank top, though? No. She also didn't wear bright purple liquid leggings that suggested she may or may not a. wear a cup b. cross dress c. have fatgina syndrome. There's only one thing left to do right now. And that is: DANCE OFF!
Play me
Fanny Pack and Man Repeller offer the same final piece of advice: fix yo'self girl, you got a cameltoe.
..Or try camelflage...
And you too can turn your labia into a YAYbia!
..Or try camelflage...
And you too can turn your labia into a YAYbia!
Get in touch! and follow us on Twitter for a good time @ManRepeller
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