I noticed a small (read: large) slew of whip lash pertaining to my word choice in today's earlier post so eventhough I said "sowwy" in those comments, I'd like to take this moment to issue a public apology for having offending you. This feels so Government official-chic. And if that offended you, I'm sorry for that too.
I'll have you know that I've switched out what you mandated wildly offensive words for less offensive ones like "abuse" and "promiscuity." Also, to make up for the original statements, one that read: "London rapes its citizens with their currency everyday," and the other that referred to naked mannequins as "ceramic sluts," I offer you the gift of very important question, brain twister, head scratcher: who wore it best?
This groovy chair...
My face?
Don't be mad at me, I'll bake you cupcakes. That's not a bribe.
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