photo by Simon Chetrit
A disclaimer about this picture: If it were up to me, I would have gone all out John Travolta ca. 1977 ah ah ah ah stayin' alive Saturday Night Fever for shooting purposes but since the photographer--my friend Simon who prefers his alias--The Dorkasaurus wouldn't let me pose in motion or point one arm at the ceiling while popping my hip (and I quote: "don't you think that's a little excessive?") I had to stand like a decent human. Don't let the picture fool you though, I am anything but human!
A disclaimer part 2 about this picture: When I came out wearing the silver Rag + (no) Bone(r) blazer with my favorite silk HAREM PANTS The Dorkasaurus laughed and said "seriously?"
Seriously indeed.
A disclaimer part 3 about this picture: I wasn't actually wearing this when WhoWhatWear tweeted about a disco-themed party. It's near 1 million degrees in New York, are you crazy or something? I punk'd you.
A disclaimer part 4 about this picture: I don't really know why I'm standing with my legs spread open, I may be projecting. Projecting what, you ask? I won't answer.
photo by Simon Chetrit
A disclaimer part 6 about this photo: you've assessed correctly on two counts. 1. I am in fact, a fool. If only because two large pillars separate my dining room from living room. 2. I believe I just wrapped reasons 1 and 2 into reason no. 1. A disclaimer part 7: There was no disclaimer part 5, hehe. READ ATTENTIVELY.
Ultimately, my point is to say this: John Travolta circa 1977...
Does not equal John Travolta circa 2010.
Also, anyone that can shake his hips like that--picture 1, not 2, (see: SNF, Grease)--can't be straight. Can't be. Can he?
Regardless John, I'll always be your Sandy.
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