I've already referred to a previous post as Queen of The Jungle, but I'd like to retract that anointment and replace it here. And it's not only because she's got a leopard labia.
To have that much green part of ones beauty regimen (note the highlights, lips, and nails!) takes a special kind of skill. A skill that not everyone possesses, one that is usually found on the Irish shore, or on one of Keebler's elfs.
And that is all I will say about that.
Speaking of labias though, my partner in crime (See: DIY: From Man Repeller to Man Getter) tried to upload a link to her facebook page a few days ago. When prompted with the usual security "enter both words below" box, this is what appeared:

I'm no gynecologist and I'm certainly not a sexpert but if this isn't a tell tale sign that SOMEONE needs to take a short trip to pleasure town, you know, heat her loins, mark the motion of her ocean, ride the banana boat....I don't know what is.
I do know one thing, though. Actually two. Number one, I keep trying to type into the text box, even though it's a screen shot, I'll file that one under brain repeller. And two: silly bands are the shit!
Get in touch with us! ManRepeller@gmail.com and tweet us for a good time @ManRepeller
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