...And if you don't believe me I don't blame you then perhaps I can have the below photos do the proverbial talking for me.
Before I prove my safari street cred I think I should definitely tell you that I straight up got stuck between these two trees trying to capture the shot for you.
For you! Never say I don't love you.
And now back to regular programming: See that?
I squeeze my body into the minimal negative space between two thin tree trunks and then proceed to hang off said trunk--I suppose I should have tried this over the weekend when alleged 85 mph winds were said to plague New York, that would have made for an entertaining photo opp--let my ombre
run wild while doing the aforementioned hoodrat activity with tree trunks and
play with branches like they're shoes as you will see below.
(Fine, not shoes, but definitely candle sticks or something of that thin, upright sort.)
And this was all the while keeping it real in a Phillip Lim romper that exposes midriff from the front and thus looks like separates but is actually connected from the rear--really, it's amusing to look at it, I'm sorry I don't have a proper photo--and maintaining that special facial expression I do think we can plausibly refer to as
emoticon chic going forward.
How's everything after
those stupid heavy showers the
hurricane tropical storm?
Wearing buttloads of suede like I told you to? Good. Glad to hear.
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