Last Monday, Christopher Columbus gave Manhattan the day off. Not really, but some people did have off. One of which persons, joined me for lunch at Cafe Gitane where he (don't get your hopes up, Repellers, this he, is a gay he) commended my affinity for repelling in a trench vest and feather-sleeved shirt. I agreed with his commending and then we segued into a short conversation about this here blog. I told him I was happy people finally understand that I'm not making fun of that which I blog about. My exact words were: "It's like, I'm not making fun of you! I'm wearing feather sleeves!"
...Unrelated anecdote aside, I thought this was a perfect opportunity to play a rather riveting game of Who Wore it Best.
So, readers, who wore it best?
images via my handheld device
(shirt by Pencey, trench vest by Fulton, pants by The Kooples, sunnies by street stand on Prince St., shoes by Forever 21, handheld device by Blackberry, purse by Valentino, bedroom by my parental units' interior design savvy eyeballs.)OR...
The Twitter Birds!
There's a pretty large collection of images that portray the "twitter bird" on Google but I chose this specific photo because feathers aside, the middle bird is wearing birth control glasses!
Twitter, if it's even possible, I love you and your underrated man-repelling ways more than I did before.
Back to the initial question though. Who wears the feathers better? I understand the birdies have skinnier legs and wear a really nice shade of turquoise/blue, but keep in mind that I am human and they are animated poultry.
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