...And she asked me to do it for her. Of all that which I've shared with you, this may perhaps be most useful. You may remember an extensive post I wrote several weeks ago chronicling the science behind building an elaborate and successful arm party. If you don't, I should just reinterate that little skull heads bound to the wrist by string not unlike the aforepictured were among the first steps of creating said party. Aforepictured is not a real word. ...But hey! Neither was arm party a term to describe multiple wrist jewels before a couple months ago.
On to more important things: today, one of my favorite London based jewelers offer you the gift of skull. Because there's something comforting about the prospect of looking down at your arm and seeing a couple of metal cut out eyes looking straight at you. And despite the nature of realizing you're turning a gilded dead face into your companion, it's like you're never alone.
Besides, we'll be bound together by dead faces. Vive le friendship, eh? The rules are simpler than a black bodycon mini dress:
suspender pants: 3.1 Phillip Lim, blouse: T by Alexander Wang, shoes: Superga, sunglasses: Celine, photo by Naomi Shon
Do meet my suspenders. They look great paired with a utility jacket for the ultimate monochrome look. Also not bad with skulls and a tilted neck, slanted smile. Ramona eyes for the win. #RHONY
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