Yesterday morning was covered in an unexpected blanket of wet, heavy snow - and the city's snowplow drivers were caught unprepared. It didn't bode well for my dinky Honda Civic (I got stuck at an intersection) or my punctuality to an event that I was hosting on behalf of the magazine. After a few answered prays - and a fair amount of four-letter words - I arrived [un]fashionably late for event preparations. It's safe to say that March rolled in like a lion; let's hope it's gentler on the way out.
I'm crushing hard on this necklace from Kate at Third Culture Jewelry. If you love her work as much as I do, you'll be tickled pink by an upcoming giveaway. Hint. Hint.
And speaking of pink, this photo reminds me of the Barbie logo. You know the one; the profile with the perky ponytail. You totally see the resemblance don't you?
Outfit Notes: Jacket - Banana Republic; Shirt - Forever21; Skirt - Banana Republic; Bracelet - Forever21; Earrings - Marc by Marc Jacobs; Necklace - c/o Third Culture Jewelry
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