
How to choose Men's Clothing-Tips

As men's fashion to become as important, relevant and profitable as the women's fashion was in the last 50 years, many men are left behind or just do not know where to start.  Many men tend to stick with the same walking style or fashion  without knowing what to wear.  Neither of these things are a guaranteed solution.

Most often keeps men who were picking up bad habits and continue to apply them with every purchase new clothes that make ... This is where the Menswear!  If you need fashion tips I'll explain everything you need to know.  You will learn how to build a diverse wardrobe for any occasion without making the mistakes that many men do.

It's the Most Important Measurement

Before we start talking about clothes is necessary to deepen one thing that most men do or do very well or very badly, I'm talking about the size of the clothes and the way it feels in your body.  Is a fact, t-shirt, shirt, shirt or jeans, the way they sit in your body is the difference between having a stylish look or a total disaster.

We all know how a man who cannot choose the right size.  It seems that he asked his father borrowed clothes.  That is the kind that looks like the clothing has shrunk in the wash.  Not only are the greatest men that have this problem, even the slim-fitting clothing may also having others.

However, how do you know if your clothing becomes not you?  There are some tips to identify it quickly and efficiently:

Shirts.  Marks around the buttons at the chest, extra fabric around the waist (there should be a straight line down the arm downward), and the sleeves should end in the beginning of the thumb.

Jeans (waist).  To find the right jeans is not easy.  It has everything to do with body shape and personal preference.  Some people like many jeans just because they think it is part of the visual and others like the look more comfortable.  Regardless, the waist should always be the right size; the jeans should sit perfectly at the waist or have taken a rest.  You can buy jeans a size up to give that look gangsta but never more than one size up than you need to hit both the belt that makes the material to be folded pants.  If you're wondering, I suggest a pair of jeans straight or slim fit because they are the most versatile and match various types of men's shoes.

Jeans (long).  Another important thing in selecting a pair of jeans is its length.  Most brands create three lengths: short, regular and long - you choose as your height.  The hem of the jeans should always touch the shoe or tennis and have a small fold at the end.  The way I like to measure the length of the jeans is barefoot and jeans come just above the heel.  Then when the shoes will be a small fold, which comes to cover the socks (anything visual like Michael Jackson) without excess fabric, folded at the end.

T-shirts and Shirts.  The most important thing is to have no more than 1 inch of the belly shows when stretching your arms to the sides and top.  If the shirt is uncomfortable and begins to fold in sites, let strangers on the shelf.

These are the men's fashion tips most basic and important to follow.  In other articles, I will talk of using clothes with wider measures to create different looks and styles.  On occasions, we may have higher or wider pants - these advanced techniques deserve a separate article.

Clothes That Serves

The picture above shows how the clothes should serve.  In all instances the clothes along the lines of the body without being too tight, clothes are the right size and looks like it was tailor-made for each person.  I have included David Beckham to show that you can wear a comfortable pair of jeans that is also the right size.

At the waist, there are no kinks or excess tissue, but is still comfortable in pants leg.  You should always leave the jeans to your specific court do its job and should avoid changing their usual measure to force a way.  The visual must have clear lines and clothes should have the right size without being too tight.

Clothing that does not serve

These images show some extreme examples Wed clothes do not work.  Since a shirt with excess tissue, a jacket that looks like a square without the body shape, and trousers or jeans too long.  You must not copy any of these visuals.

The Most Important Tips

My advice to rectify these errors is simple.  After identifying the clothes that do not fit well, THROW AWAY!  Give a charity, a friend, or a beggar on the street.  No, matter what you do with clothes since she quit her wardrobe.

If after that your wardrobe is empty then go shopping and this time choose pieces with a format that is based on your body.  This is the key to all this.  Each time you buy a new item of clothing as well think about it.

Regardless of your size or shape, regardless of fashion, each piece of clothing you buy will be based on your body and this will greatly improve your vision.  To learn more read on other articles on how to build a basic wardrobe pieces with varied and versatile, so you become the man that deserves to be stylish.

Andrea Galante

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