a practice that advances or retreats?
While the parity becomes a reality in many areas, contraception remainspredominantly female. Is it because men do not find a suitable contraceptive method? Alternatively, fear of losing his manhood? The XXI century wills he shared that of contraception..
The best-known and most widely used contraceptive male condom is obviously. His female version still cannot break into that market. The "hood" is still the preferred method of contraception for first intercourse as is always the one to protect STI (Sexually Transmissible Infections).
Condoms aphrodisiac
The shapes, textures, and tastes but of condoms have largely diversified transforming potential "kills-love" into a powerful aphrodisiac! Today, they even do a job processing condoms with Viagra!
The male contraceptive pill is advertised for years but has not yet developed. The Will she one day? Technical constraints are not the real causes of the delay. Pharmaceutical companies have found an obstacle in use: potential users are not at all interested in this new product. It is not like the woman in the 70s, the prospect of genuine change in sexual life.
However, things are moving in a surprising manner. Rather than aping contraception for women with the pill or the implant, the men make a more radical choice, final: vasectomy. France admitted this practice in 2001, while it is commonly practiced in the Anglo-Saxon representative example of contraception 16 percentage of American couples.
It is still a lot of teaching so that men will know that this does not render impotent ejaculation allows blocking only the vas deferens that carry sperm (3% of the volume of Sperm).
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