I came across a stunning decor book recently called Dekorasyonda Stil Karisimlari (unfortunately it's not in English!). It's full of the most amazing photography of colourful, unique, retro loving, eclectic homes.
I've tried googling this book to find out where to get more of them and haven't found a thing, if anyone knows, please leave a comment! I definitely know of a few eager customers!
Each and every page is gorgeous, I took a few photos of my favourite pages to show you...
Here's a list of all the photographers involved, I've tried to add a link to their websites where possible, happy browsing...
Ngoc Minh Ngo, Debi Treloar, Gaelle le Boulicaut, Paul Quinn, James Merrell, Andrea Ferrari, Nathalie Krag, Yavuz Draman, Engin Aydeniz, Emre Dörter.
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