Can you believe it's friday already? This week has flown past. I'm looking forward to next week and I've got some great new blogs and photographers to share with you! Here are some ideas for your weekend as usual...
Ok, a definite must is a gorgeous breakfast preferably in a beautiful sunny spot, aren't these two amazing? I wouldn't know which to choose... maybe breakfast in one and lunch in the other?!
Ok, a definite must is a gorgeous breakfast preferably in a beautiful sunny spot, aren't these two amazing? I wouldn't know which to choose... maybe breakfast in one and lunch in the other?!
Followed by some treats, macaroons and cupcakes are seriously my faves...
Then I'm sure you might have some things to do around the house, so why not dress up and have some fun! Love these pics!
Such a pretty neat work room, mmm, think I need to work on mine this weekend...
What about a trip to a funfair? I haven't done anything like that in ages!
A caravan trip in this exact caravan would be so cool! Be sure to take photos whatever you do...
My wish for the weekend (especially since it's going to lovely and hot here in Cape Town) would be to spend time relaxing under this beautiful, shady canopy... catching up on all my reading! Perhaps wandering off for a stroll in the forest and having a pinic, sigh...
Photo credits:1, 2 & 4) Daisy Pink Cupcake, 3) From Me To You, 5 & 6) Emersonmade, 7 & 8) Max Attenborough, 9 & 10) Gingerlillytea, 11) Liz Ham, 12) scarletd, 13) Daisy Pink Cupcake, 14) From Me To You
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