I am so thankful it's friday, this has been such a long and hectic week, it's crazy at work at this time of year and so stressful... so this weekend is very much in need! I wish I really could just find some beautiful place and get lost...
I have some creative plans for the weekend, more to be revealed next week! Stay tuned for my first giveaway! ;)
There will have to be some major relaxing, feet up with some tasty beverages...
And a bit of exercise, hopefully a trip up the mountain, weather depending and maybe a bike trip...
And lastly I'll have to do a bit of homework, I have so much correspondence and catching up to do as well as my Spanish. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend, any exciting plans I should know about? Enjoy!
Photo credits: Collage- 1) photo from 20x200, 2) sorry, can't remember where I spotted this! 3) Lottie Bites, 4) art from 20x200, 5) Atlanta Bartlett.
Rest of photos: 1, 2 & 6) Amanda Pratt @ Kate Ryan Inc. 3 & 4) Photos by me, 5) Rachel Whiting, 7 & 8) Shana Faust
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