Another week has flown by and can you believe it's only 64 days till Christmas?! I am far from ready for the end of year rush! This weekend for me is going to be relaxing and hopefully not too pricey. It's has been an expensive month so far, so I think this weekend I'm going to take it easy! Perhaps a bit of home loving will be good...
Some tea drinking and lots of reading, I have so many books waiting to be read...
Perhaps some decorating at home or just some old tidying up would be good but that doesn't sound nearly as fun! Would love to put some floating shelves up...
Perhaps a little bike trip, my old bicycle is definitely feeling neglected! And a lovely home cooked dinner or two, with some candlelight for fun. Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
Photo credits: 1) i.Anton, 2) Atlanta Bartlett, 3) Debi Treloar, 4, 7 & 10) Rachel Whiting, 5) Emersonmade, 6) The Selby, 8) first home, 9) i.Anton
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