
Best, Faster, Stronger-Men’s Grooming Tips, and Inspirations

To attract the man with the radiant beauty, cosmetics brands are moving away more and more dummies for the benefit of sports.  Chronology of a phenomenon that goes.

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Eric & Joël Cantona
1995, Bic
Each razor is Cantona.  Eric (one blade) is "famous.”  Joel (two) "will become.”


David Ginola
1996, L'Oréal

His hair was a subject of national ridicule. The player has made a selling proposition.


Frederic Michalak
2004, Biotherm
Considered the Zidane of rugby, he opened a new breach of beauty marketing.


David Beckham
2004, Gillette
The icon of the metrosexual era has done much for the cause of sports' beauty bankable ".


Vincent Clerc
2007, Sothy's
Sensibility, enlightened discourse, talent. The rugby is the antithesis of sports nag / gruff.


Sébastien Loeb
2009, Mennen
However uncomfortable facing the camera, the driver is still entitled to his care Hydrade.


Camille Lacourt
2011, Clarins
Yoann Gourcuff fled the sponsors? While beneficial to its double swimmer Camille Lacourt, revealed in 2010.

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To attract the man with the radiant beauty, cosmetics brands are moving away more and more dummies for the benefit of sports.  Decryption of a phenomenon that continues to gain ground.

The swimmer Camille Lacourt Clarins icon, the star of the rally for Loeb to Retype Mennen, legend Eric Cantona in the service of L'Oreal Men Expert ... The figures of the sport more and more Defending the colors of the beauty Industry as of yesterday Those of Their club or team.

Outdo the models and stars of show business.  May 2004.  The cosmetics brand Biotherm unveils new face: Frédéric Michalak, the first media star of French rugby.  And crosses at the same time a new milestone in the association of sports in the world of beauty.  Until the advent of the era of "metrosexuals,” the industry had to use sports stars to promote products those currents of male toiletries (shampoos, shower gels, razors, shaving creams ...).

In the early 90's, and we see the French footballer of the time in commercials gross stripping: Jean-Pierre Papin in 1993, and Eric Cantona and his brother Joel, in 1995, extolling the virtues of Bic disposable razors David Ginola before, in 1996, waving his hair done for L'Oreal.  The World Cup effect 98 accentuates the trend, without ever flirting with the stage "day cream.”

"The world of beauty has long ignored the sport because they are considered tacky guys said Marie Chauveau, agency Mafia.  They were then used for the" practice "but it’s not going beyond.  In recent years, athletes show a new side.  Men like David Beckham, or more recentlyYoann Gourcuff and some swimmers, provide a much cleaner.  It changes everything.  "


In the early 2000s, the effect Beckham in full swing.  At the same time, using a scrub or a session at the spa made ​​its way gradually into the minds of men.

In the marketers, the image of an athlete ambassador assumes this trend will, for sure, jumping from the last lock of the most skeptical.  "The use of sports tends to the use of virile beauty treatments, to play down the act," explains Marie Chauveau.

The goal is to see new customers by playing the card of the concrete and the emancipation of morals.  The alibi of the athlete, is reassuring and credible, allows spontaneous identification.  Even better, after years of ad campaign playing on the homoerotic aesthetic, the hero of the stage removes any sexual ambiguity and frees the idea of ​​masculine perfection.

"I do not buy a cream because it is" sold "by a particular sport; grade Yohann, 29, met in a Paris boutique.  But the beauty is not a" discussion of guys, "No one 'not many benchmarks.  The bond that brings a reassuring one.  "
One area seems to "resist" the temptation: the perfume department.  "Here we touch the very high end.  It refers to other values: the dream, glamour, desire, pleasure, says a specialist in luxury.

Therefore, the perfume brands are turning instead to the actors or models.  Athletes do not have this dimension.  "This rule has its exceptions rare: Zinedine Zidane hidden in a turtleneck for Dior (Eau Sauvage, 2001), the marketing coup by Thierry Mugler with disabled sports star Oscar Pistorius (for perfume Amen) or, more recently, Sebastien 

Chabal (Caron) and Rafael Nadal (Lanvin). “  They have a reputation that goes beyond sport, says our expert.  They are among the "favorite personalities" of the public.  This type of association is still rare.  And far from being effective ...”


Moreover, sports, in all this?  Why prennentils the risk of associating their names with an imaging still subject to jeers when the bottom of the front of their sponsors sounding manly arms open wide?  First, because financially, it's worth the effort.  In 2004, David Beckham signed a contract for $ 50 million over five years with Gillette, which eventually will collect international stars of the sport (Thierry Henry, Tiger Woods, Roger Federer, Lionel Messi, etc.).

Before Proctor & Gamble decided to stop in early 2011, his campaign "Gillette Champions.”  We speak here of world stars.  In addition, are going with ... For sports or specific national prominence, the amount of advertising contract was around € 50 000 on average in 2007, according to a survey by the daily Le Monde.

Meanwhile, the fair for athletes has become as speculative real estate market in Paris.  The niche "beauty," his exception to the rule?  "Hard to say.  The amount of a contract beauty depends on the reputation of the sport, the size of the brand, the duration of the contract, etc...  And then it is one of the things we do not tell" Marie Chauveau lists.

Vincent Clerc, French international rugby and Sothy's ambassador since 2007, does not evade the question: "This contract represents 10 to 15% of my salary rugby.”  Beyond the financial interest, a contract "beauty" is also a great way to exist media-while exposing his discipline other than its natural bitterness.  "I was very surprised that Sothy's do appeal to me, says Vincent Clerc.  However, it helps to break the surly image of rugby and to show that masculinity is expressed on a ground is not incompatible with sensitivity more glamorous.

It also proves that athletes by that following the changes in society.  "And they refine their image on land more unexpected.

Andrea Galante

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