Almost summer, Pools, Beaches, Resorts.. it’s time to get shirtless!!
The Portuguese have a physical player worthy of the most beautiful classical sculpture.
Step by step 1...7
1-Goodbye, glasses.
We started badly, I know. But if you want a size 10 like Cristiano Ronaldo you can forget the straws on the terrace or in the bar. No excuses. That is not that a beer has only a hundred calories or that glass a year does not hurt. If you want to take it seriously, you will be playing make an effort.
Increase your intake of water, juices and smoothies. Hydrate and cleanse your body. But calorie beverages are prohibited (yes, all it takes is high-calorie alcohol) and do not abuse those containing gas, industrial quantities of added sugar or caffeine.
Okay, you're not going to pay 13 million Euros a year to be always in perfect shape and 100%. But you know ... to show off, you have to suffer.
We started badly, I know. But if you want a size 10 like Cristiano Ronaldo you can forget the straws on the terrace or in the bar. No excuses. That is not that a beer has only a hundred calories or that glass a year does not hurt. If you want to take it seriously, you will be playing make an effort.
Increase your intake of water, juices and smoothies. Hydrate and cleanse your body. But calorie beverages are prohibited (yes, all it takes is high-calorie alcohol) and do not abuse those containing gas, industrial quantities of added sugar or caffeine.
Okay, you're not going to pay 13 million Euros a year to be always in perfect shape and 100%. But you know ... to show off, you have to suffer.
2- Goodbye, tapas.
Your diet should consist of 3 meals plus 2 snacks a day and should be high in carbohydrates such as bread, rice, pasta, cereals, fruits and tubers. Think that about 60% of your available energy should come from carbohydrate-rich foods, since they are the ones that turn into glucose later. Glucose is the best energy source for working muscles.
Another "bad" news: Avoid foods high in fat, so say goodbye to French fries with mayonnaise, cream puffs, toast with butter, egg in your mother ... Eating a small amount of fat is necessary for health, especially for the absorption of fat soluble vitamins. But fat is not good source of energy for muscular work, so limit yourself.
Protein consumed in moderation. Cristiano Ronaldo The athletes need to increase their servings of protein to ensure proper muscle recovery after exercise. For the athletes are advised to intake about 30 grams of protein (red meat, skinless chicken or fish, an egg or a glass of skim milk) for every 6 or 8 kilos of body weight.
Okay, you're not an elite athlete and not exaggerate with the requirements of your diet, but you have to take into account an important guideline: your energy intake must be used to cover your caloric expenditure. That is, eat only in terms of what you burn.
3- Run!
To burn that Michelin is far from resemble the sculpted torso of Cristiano Ronaldo you'll need a bit of aerobic exercise. So shake yourself laziness and take advantage of less heat for hours CalzArte sneakers and do every day at least half an hour of the race.
The first few days you seem to want to enter Homer Simpson more than Cristiano Ronaldo, but you'll see that in a few sessions you will feel more toned and leaner in the mirror and find the encouragement to not give up.
4- The magic word gym.
Did you think that with a few little run is just the thing? No!
The second part of physical training is to build muscle. Join the gym and ask to make a program suited to your needs.
To a physicist like the Portuguese footballer, you have to tighten the abdominals, to exercise the legs, buttocks model (fundamental!),to strengthen trapezius, deltoids and arms, the bench press to get breast ... Check out our fitness section
Make no mistake: you do not need to inflate like the Incredible Hulk. Just the right volume and good tone.
5-Tan Tan!!
It does not stop here. To look spectacular as Cristiano Ronaldo cannot be white. A little sunshine (or rays) will help you achieve your goal. Just do not forget to protect yourself properly. or get a tan fast and easy with the help of a home self tanning!
Self tanning? Watch this video
6-The "torture" of the depilation.
None of whining. Millions of women do and survive, so tranquil: the depilation will not kill you.
Whereas man's body hair is stronger and is "more caught", it is best to resort to hot wax.
It is true that the blade and the creams do less damage, but the results are terribly short-lived and within a couple of days back I peek out the hairs, sharp and challenging, as the spikes of a cactus. So arm yourself with courage and put in the hands of a beautician. A few quick jerks here and there and your chest and your legs (and if you need it, back and shoulders) will look smooth and shiny.
Another option is to use the laser or pulsed light. Although somewhat expensive, is effective and its results are very interesting: the hair is gradually weakened and disappeared. But know that it is completely painless, as some are determined to advertise. They feel like small’ electric shocks' (to use a mild word) with each "shot. "
Neither is very fast! as to remove all the hair it takes even years, and that the meetings should be pretty far between. In addition, treatments for men whose hair is more robust and rebellious, more sessions usually are required to react to the laser hair.
Important: it is a treatment that should be avoided in summer, as it should do with skin as white as possible and when we will be protected from the sun!
How to epilate? Watch this video
7-Moments of pleasure.
To have the physique of Cristiano Ronaldo, go to the salon and change their look. Calls modernità cut with tousled effect which iseasily molded with the fingers and some hair gel. And allow yourself the luxury to give yourself a good massage and a revitalizing facial to look the same good face of the young Portuguese player.
Here is Cristiano Ronaldo tanning
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